Nong stone
In the village Lekong, District Alas, Sumbawa Regency there is a large stone, tall, circular flat top. The stone was hanging on a cliff high hill near the river Lekong. From the top of the stone people to freely be able to look down. That is why it is called "stone nong". The word "nong" in Sumbawa means "looking down from above". If the stone nong was viewed from a distance, very precarious position. If there is the slightest vibration, it seems that stone will definitely collapse. In fact, it has been hundreds of years the stone was still not budging. How the stone could be in place, here's the story.Tersebutlah a country in ancient times. The country is famous prosperous, safe and peaceful. Never heard disputes between residents. Men and women the same position, except in one respect, namely the male taboo wash his buttocks were depleted defecation. Such things believed to be true by the people there.On one day heard the news, in neighboring countries will be held a large crowd. Of course everyone is welcome with joy the great news.Tersebutlah a family who have young children. The wife nagged her husband to be allowed to go watch."Sir, we have a big kid and suckling again. Since married, I never got a chance to watch the crowds "."You mean you want to go to the movies?" Asked her husband."Yes," replied the wife."If our children later defecate how advanced her husband."I'm just a day, I'll just wait for me to come," he continued.Long story short, because the husband was very dear to his wife, the husband to allow his wife to go. It turned out pretty much the destination country. Not quite a day trip. The wife joyfully dissolve in the crowd there. He forgot the other. Has three days she left the child and her husband. Meanwhile the husband can not stand her ass foul smell that has been pooping. Dicucilah then his buttocks. In the evening, there came the curse. The father becomes scaly skin. Hands and feet shrivel, and eventually transformed his body into a human-headed dragon.Once the wife after watching the crowds satisfied, he returned with a group of her homeland. Arriving home, he was surprised and menierit seeing her husband had turned into a dragon. The news has spread throughout the country.To avoid embarrassment, her husband said, "My wife, thou shalt not be sad. This resulted from an act I wash ass we were exhausted child defecate, because I could not stand the smell rotten. I should have said "no" when you ask permission, but because of my love to you I say "yes". So, this is the result. Therefore, you buy a large jar, put me into it, and take me to the river, "said her husband.Hearing the words of her husband, the wife was sorry. However, what about to say, rice has become porridge. Her husband has now turned into a snake due to violation of the rules."Then deliver food every Harl to me," said her husband. Thus, since his wife every day to deliver food and drink to her husband who has been turned into a serpent. Such things going on for years. Until one day when there was war between countries. Entire villages were ravaged. Many residents were killed, but some could escape and flee. Among them were the wife of a snake. They sail with the boat aimlessly. Boat sailing according to the wind direction. When they have days of sailing, one day the refugees see large crock followed. Turns out it was a crock jar containing a snake. Crock that followed continued to where the boat was gone. Finally, the boat was stopped somewhere in estuaries Lekong, in the western part of Sumbawa. Surprisingly, jar, too anchored near their boat.The refugees then make settlements on land. In that place a lot of pecan trees. They make simple huts as temporary shelter.One
night, when skipper the boat went to the river wants to defecate, he
was surprised at the edge of the river there is a large stone blocks the
flow of river water. Having observed it turns out it is a crock containing the snake. The jar of voice said, "I do not fit here, move me to the cliffs on the hill."Shortly thereafter, the jar was lifted up and attached to the cliff on a hill near the settlement of the refugees. Squire was astonished at the event. She is even more surprised to see the crock it has now turned into a large rock.In the morning, skipper recounts extraordinary. Then the refugees were rollicking ride up the hill and stand on the big stone. They can look down freely. Then, the rock called "stone nong".They build village named Lekong village because there are many pecan trees. In the language of Sumbawa, pecan pieces that have been fried partner for seasoning called Lekong.Until now, the woman's husband did not dare wash ass Lekong children defecate. In addition, they consider it a sacred stone nong. Nong stone even now still perched on a hill north of the village Lekong, District Alas, Sumbawa.
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