Story : Tanjung Marthafons Maluku

Tanjung Marthafons MalukuTanjung


 MarthafonsThere is one village on the peninsula Baguala Poka village name, usually called the village of Poka-Houses Three. The village used to live in a family that is very simple but they live happily.The family head named Mr. Bram. He worked as a farmer and usually paddle a boat carrying passengers from Poka-Houses Three to galala commute, while his wife named Mrs. Mina. Mina's mother was a beautiful woman, and worked diligently to help Mr. Bram supplement the family income by way of sago fuel for sale.Mr. Bram and Mrs. Mina has a very beautiful daughter, then aged 16 years. The boy was named Martha, black, curly hair was long and curly up to the calf.Every afternoon after Mrs. Mina burn sago, usually Martha walked sell sago to people around the village of Poka. He's always wearing pink cele (traditional dresses of women Ambon), hair bun, and sago put on the tray. Martha goes to sell it by putting sago overhead.Martha walked out of the hallways screaming .......... Sago, sago buy aunt. Sago…. Sago ... want to buy or not.Martha usually sell sago boarding passes in front of the Portuguese army. The place is not far from where the Ferry right now.One afternoon when Martha walked sell sago before boarding the Portuguese army, as usual Martha sago shout .... Buy sago sago ... .... Martha was surprised because in front stood a man dashing ...... Portuguese army.The soldier looked at Martha and at the heart of this beautiful woman.Day by day, the month turned into months, Martha persevere with his job selling sago.One day as usual Martha walked through the front of the hostel sells sago Portuguese soldiers while shouting ... sago ... sago .... Martha was very surprised because suddenly there came a sound from inside the dorm ... "sago .... sago ... sago ... here !! "Martha hurried to the voice, but Martha was very scared because he had to get into the dorms .. the man held out his hand towards Martha. Inwardly Martha ,, oh ... he wants to meet. "My Alfonso, whom Miss ??" ... I Martha ... wow !! You look beautiful Martha ... Martha heart palpitations. Unable to bear the Martha asked, sir i want to buy sago call it .. ?? but why masters do not buy ?? ... I want to go ... "yes Miss Martha sagunya I bought everything ya ..."Martha replied .... Yes .. yes .. after the hosts were paid directly to thank Martha and leave home. The soldier said: "Miss Martha ya ya tomorrow come again .."She said yes ... yes ... Martha half run quickly left the army dormitories.Alfonzo is the Portuguese army commander who served in Ambon. Portuguese occupied Indonesia from 1569 to 1571 year.When he arrived at home mother Mina have stood at the door waiting for Martha happily as Mrs. Mina saw trays are empty, sago sold ......Mina's mother was shocked when she saw Martha's face very pale, mother Mina Martha rubbed shoulders, while asking "what's wrong with Martha .., son ?? Tell me what happened ?? "Well bu .. was when I sell sago before boarding the Portuguese army, there was a soldier who called me he wanted mebeli sago. After I went to the army that he did not immediately take on sago, but instead he extended his hand to get acquainted with me. Mina's mother replied "continues .... What's his name ?? "name Alfonzo bu ... Mom, she was very kind ... all sago I was selling was bought. "Ohh ... itukan Just acquaintance alone" said Mrs. Mina.A few days later Martha sell sago. as usual he passed in front of the dorm shouting sago ... ... buy sago sago or not ... uh ,, Martha shocked .. he did not think that standing before him was Alfonzo. Martha was about to run left Alfonzo but the army has been holding tray sago.Alfonzo brought in Martha into the dormitory where he lived. Martha said, "Do not lord ... I'm scared," Alfonso replied "do not be afraid to Martha, I will pay all the corn that you sell".Later Alfonzo said, "Martha I wanted to be friends with you, are you friends with me? ..."It may be ... sir ..." said Martha as she nodded her head. Months turned into months, years went by. Martha is now 17 years old. Martha with Alfonzo getting close like a pair of lovers .... They both had secretly engaged, Mr. Bram and Mrs. Mina already knows their relationship.Mr. Bram did not approve Martha engaged with Alfonzo. Alfonzo but still dare to come to the house and asked Mr. Bram and Mrs. Mina Martha so that he can marry their children. Mr. Bram said to Alfonzo "young patient .. Martha Martha wait until the age of 19 years".Alfonzo still patiently waiting for Martha. Martha still selling corn as usual, arrived at the boarding call Martha Alfonzo Alfonzo then buy all the sago Martha sell so that they both can sit Martha recalled without having to walk around selling sago. While telling Martha regard to hours as usual he came home to sell, so as not to get home too late. One day there is news of Batavia right in 1571, the Portuguese withdrawn.Ideals lived ideals but another said the fate of Portuguese soldiers from Ambon need to Batavia. Portuguese warships are already anchored at the beach Poka Ferry place today.Separation should occur between Martha with Alfonzo. They both stood embraced. Martha Manangis terseduh-makers. Hugging Martha, Alfonzo said "yes ... wait for me patiently Martha, I'll be back to pick you up as my wife .......... Wait for me back in Ambon yes Martha "Martha could only nodded his head.Troops one by one aboard. Again Alfonzo Alfonzo embraced Martha ... then boarded the ship, he rose very end because Alfonzo is pelaton commander.Alfonzo reached on board shouting "Martha wait for me yes". After Martha cue vessel will soon depart Martha took the white handkerchief and then waved while shouting ... Alfonzo ... .Alfonzo ... ..Alfonzo ... .Martha not stand again while Manangis Martha jumped into the sea and swam. Alfonzo see Martha jump overboard Alfonzo followed him.The news came to Mr. Bram. Mr. Bram and Mrs. Mina waiting on the beach hoping her son will soon be back, but they hope in vain.Father Bram call people to look for Martha by rowing boat. But in vain two lovers lost in the sea until the present. Where they both drowned name is known by the name "Cape Marthafonz" a combination of the names of two lovers Martha and Alfonzo.

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