Story : Legend of Mount Tambora

Legend of Mount Tambora

Origin of the name of Mount Tambora according to the story handed down, there are two versions, namely: First, is derived from the word lakambore from Bima language that means going, to ask the purpose of traveling to someone. Secondly, from the word ta and mbora, from Bima language, the word "ta" which means to invite, and the word "mbora" which means to disappear, so that the overall meaning of the word Tambora is to invite disappeared.This comes from stories handed down, there used to be someone powerful who first into the mountain (now Mount Tambora), ascetic and not found again for having disappeared in the mountains. If the term of its Java language moksha, the body disappears suddenly and can be seen by certain people who have the ability to see spirits. Then the magic which is disappearing ever appeared on an island located in the northwest of Sumbawa Island can also be seen from the summit of Mount Tambora. The island then named Satonda trolling meaning of the word mark / footprints. The island can be seen from the summit of Mount Tambora, seen from above in the form of a human right foot. Satonda very beautiful island with unspoiled landscape, in the middle of the island there is a crystal clear lake and surrounded by cliffs of pristine hills. Allegedly the lake in Satonda have tunnel of underwater caves connecting with the sea. Satonda with altitude between 0 to 300 meters above sea level is a recreation park (recreation park) with an area of ​​1,000 ha have unique characteristics.Now the island has been a protected area (strict nature reserve). Satonda very good to be a place to learn about the forest, because the forest on the island was destroyed by the eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815. Also many types of fish found new and only found in Lake Satonda only. The island is a habitat for a large number of bird species are protected. All of the natural beauty into one unified phenomenon creates a wonderful, unique.The natural charm of Mount Tambora increasingly add to the beauty of natural scenery Indonesia. We are all obliged to recognize and preserve it. Alam Indonesia became a very interesting object of study by scientists.Bernice De Jong Boers, scientists from Denmark in its revised paper entitled "Mount Tambora in 1815:" A Volcanic Eruption in Indonesia and Its Aftermath "describes, Sumbawa island before the eruption of Mount Tambora is actually in a pretty good situation economically. Much earlier, in Sumbawa is much more dense forests. When people first come, most of the forests are cleared for farming.Around the year 1400, the Javanese introduce how rice cultivation in paddy fields and began importing horses. The longer the growing number of people. People rely on live mainly from rice, green beans, and horses. While people rely on coffee plantations, pepper, and cotton that could flourish.In the region there have been also trade relations. At that time the kingdom of Bima generally open from the outside world. In terms of economics, commerce is the main income of the main export commodities before 1815 are rice, honey, cotton, and redwood.After Tambora erupted, welfare awakened it collapsed. At that time there were six small kingdoms on the island of Sumbawa. Bima kingdom poem mentions two kingdoms extinct buried, namely Concentrated and Tambora. Long after the incident, there has been speculation that there is a pent royal palace with immeasurable richness. Moreover, from the excavations carried out Sigurdsson of the University of Rhode Island, USA, and a team from the Directorate of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation had found ceramics estimated patterned Vietnam. There were also allegations of his life speaking people Mon-Khmer, the language spoken in the archipelago unusual.These assumptions doubt Bambang Budi Utomo, an archaeologist from the Research and Development Center of the National Archaeology, who had visited the excavation site Sigurdsson. "The term kingdom outside Java can not be equated with a large kingdom in Java wealthy. So, do not imagine the royal palace like the palace of the kings of Java. In addition, the findings of which have a common ceramic pottery from the Indochina region does not mean supporting the population living signifies Khmer culture. It seems China-made pottery and can be reached Tambora because of the trade, "he said. He regretted that the study did not involve the archaeologists.After the eruption, the circumstances surrounding the Tambora-especially in the Milky-turned back. Land that can not be planted for five years to make a prolonged hunger and destitution.Now, walk on the slopes of Tambora, certainly different atmosphere. Thick grass fills the ground, almost two centuries ago covered with volcanic ash. The verdant mountain slopes, with lush forests and bushes. The land has returned to give a blessing. Most residents living on the slopes of Tambora on farms and plantations. There is also a guide up the mountain.

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