Story : Bukit Kelam legend

Bukit Kelam legend

Once upon a time, in the land of Sintang, West Kalimantan, Indonesia, there were two leaders of the descendants of the gods who have high magic, but both have different properties. The first named Sebeji known as Single Beji. He has vandalism, covetous and greedy. Nobody should have the knowledge, let alone exceeded his power. Therefore, it is less favored by the surrounding community, so little followers. While another was named Chief Marubai. Its just the opposite of nature Bujang Beji. He has a helpful nature, good-hearted, and humble. The two leaders are the main livelihood fishing, as well as farming and gardening.Beji flunky master and his followers in Simpang Kapuas river, while Chief Marubai the rivers in Simpang Melawi. The fish in the river Simpang Melawi diverse types and more numerous than in Simpang Kapuas river. Not surprisingly, every day Chief Marubai always had more catches than the Single Beji.Chief Marubai catching fish in the river Simpang Melawi using fish traps (fish traps) from the giant bamboo stems and cover part of the river with stones, so easily caught fish into bubunya. The fish are then chosen, only the big fish were taken, while the fish are still small set back into the river until it becomes a big fish to be recaptured. In this way, the fish in the river in Simpang Melawi will never run out and continue to proliferate.Knowing this, Single Beji became jealous of Chief Marubai. Therefore, not to be outdone, Single Beji went fishing in the river in Kapuas Simpang by poisoning [2]. That way, he was getting caught more. At first, the fish obtained Beji Single exceed catches Chief Marubai. However, he did not realize that catch fish by poisoning will eventually destroy the fish in the river Kapuas Simpang, because it is not just the big fish are caught, but the little fish die, too. As a result, the days catch was less and less, while the Chief Marubai still obtain abundant catches. Single Beji it makes more envy and jealousy to the Chief Marubai."Well, this state of emergency if left unchecked!" Murmured Single Beji grimly.He pondered for a moment to look for ways to fish in the river region Melawi exhausted. After some time to think, he found a most excellent way, which is close Melawi River flow with large stones on river Melawi. Thus, Melawi River will be unstoppable and the fish will settle upstream.After thinking carefully, Single Beji decided to lift the top of Bukit Batu in Nanga Silat, Kapuas Hulu. With his power is high, he bore a large peak of Bukit Batu it. Because of the distance between Bukit Batu with Melawi river far enough, he tied the top of the hill with seven pieces of leaf weeds.On the way to the river Melawi, suddenly Single Beji hear women's voices were laughing at him. Apparently, unwittingly, goddesses in Heaven has been watching the behavior. We will arrive at the intersection of Kapuas-Melawi, he looked up. However, could not see the face of goddesses who were laughing at him, suddenly stepped on a poisonous thorn."Aduuuhhh ...!" Screamed Single Beji while berjingkrat-jingkrat bear the pain.Immediately the seven pieces of leaf weeds also used to bind the hilltop disconnected. As a result, the peak of the rock fell and drowned in a foreign country called Jetak. With fury, Single Beji soon face goddesses still laughing."Look, you guys! Just wait for revenge! "Snapped Single Beji to these goddesses as she stamped her foot exposed to a poisonous thorn in the surrounding hills."Away with you thorn jerk!" Cried Single Beji with anger.After that, he immediately raised a hill elongated shape for use prying the top of Mount Batu embedded in the shoreline (Jetak) it. However, Bukit Batu was already attached to Jetak, so long hill which used prying it broke into two. Finally, Single Beji failed to move the summit of Nanga Silat Bukit Batu to close Melawi river. He was very angry and intended to avenge the goddesses who had laughed at it.Beji flunky then planted tainted kumpang [3] that will be used as a way to reach Heaven and destroy the goddess who has canceled his plans. Within a few days, the tree flourishes and towering into the sky. Peak does not appear when viewed with the eyes of the head down.Before climbing trees tainted kumpang, Single Keji perform traditional ceremonial offerings called Bedarak Begelak, which gives food to all animals and evil spirits around so as not to hinder his intention and hope to help him get to heaven to destroy these goddesses.However, in the ceremony there are some animals that forgotten by the Single Beji, so can not enjoy sesajiannya. It is a herd animal sampok (termites) and bears. They are very upset and angry, feeling slighted by Bujang Beji. They then deliberation and consensus how to thwart the intentions Single Beji from reaching heaven."What should we do, King Bear?" Asked King Sampok to King Bear in the meeting."We kumpang Collapse tree was tainted," said King Bear."How?" Asked King Sampok curious."We rollicking gnaw roots of the tree when the Single Beji moderate climb," said King Bear.All participants of the meeting, both parties sampok and bears, agreed with King Bear.The next day, when the Single Beji climb a tree, they were coming gnaw the roots of the tree. Therefore, their numbers are very much tainted kumpang big trees and tall began to waver. At the time of Single Beji will reach heaven, suddenly heard a loud noise that is very powerful."Kretak ... Kretak ... Kretak ... !!!"A few moments later, a tree Mambu Kumpang skies were collapsed together with the Single Beji."Tolooong ...! Tolooong .... "Single Beji's voice screaming for help.Tall tree crashed in the river Kapuas Hulu, precisely in the Outer Lake and Lake Belidak. Beji flunky who come crashing together with tree was dead instantly. Single Beji gagallah then attempt to destroy goddesses in heaven, while Chief Marubai avoid the disaster that has been planned by Bujang Beji.According to the story, Beji Single body divided by the surrounding community to be a magic talisman. While hilltop Nanga Silat apart from Single pole Beji transformed into Bukit Kelam. Fault-shaped hill Single Beji long used to pick it transformed into a meandering hill. The hill on which Beji Single outlet when stepping on poisonous spines, named Mount Rentap.the world will smile at us.

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